
The Resurrection of the Myth


Castle of Montsegur.
11 septiembre 2016

“Where is the Gral kept today? Perhaps it is kept in the depths of the heart”.

This is one of the articles that Miguel Serrano sent from Vienna to the newspapers (Chilean and Argentinean, respectively) El Mercurio (16-11-69) and La Prensa (4-1-70), this article can also be found in the fourth volume of Memorias de él y yo (1999).

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What I am going to say will appear as unreal and, indeed, it is; it has the flavor of a legend and the mystery of a myth. Nevertheless, it takes place during the 20thcentury, and somehow, it has surrounded our own life. Despite its far away origin; the thread has returned to us, it reaches our generation and it should relight the torch , passing it from hand to hand, and perhaps one day, it will go back to other stars.

The legend of the Gral

Once, I talked with Doctor Jung about this legendary myth. Unfortunately, it was his wife that was studying the subject, and because of this, Jung did not write much about the mysterious legend. According to Jung, the Gral was an “archetype”, an exteriorization of what he called the “Self”, a central point, ideal, of the person , equidistant between the Unconscious and the Conscious; a Totality lost, and perhaps unattainable. The Non-Existent Flower, an Ideal, Heaven, Immortality.

Historically, the legend of the Gral has unknown origins. It is a pagan myth which, sometimes, is connected with the legend of Atlantis and the Universal Flood. The Gral it is also that “Stone of rain” that Noah saved from the Flood, it is the “Talisman” that stops the floodwaters. It is the “Stone” that Mongols called “Yedeh” and the Arabs “Hajar-al-mater”. For the Aryans, the Gral is the lost “Key”, the “Stone” on which the essential wisdom was carved, the “Law” of the race and of the Hyperboreans before leaving, forever, the fatherland of ices, the legendary north, the mythic land of Aryana Vaiji, which became uninhabitable in the Ice Age. The keys are the wisdom of Atlantis, and if found and decoded, they would allow the true understanding of Yoga, of the true one, the “Tantric” one, and it would allow man to become immortal as the God one day he was, before the great Sinking and Flooding of waters. The Yoga which is known and is practiced today would seem like an incomplete alphabet. It is an imitation of a sublime magic and a great wisdom. Until the keys are found and decoded Yoga today will remain like a game of runic signs, producing incomplete or contrary effects. In India, for example, Sri Janardana the chief of the Suddha Dharma Mandalam, stated this. The Suddha Dharma Mandalam has an important branch and numerous followers in Chile.

For Janardana, the true yoga was the Suddha Yoga, conserved in a secret Ashram in the Himalayas, where the mythical Bhagavan Sri Mitra Deva would live, the Messiah of our age.

The situation today is similar to what would happen to the future man, the survivor of an atomic war that found amid the ruins of a disappeared civilization, a metal tube containing a film with a summary of every knowledge, of all mathematical, chemical and physics formulas that made possible the creation of the atomic bomb and the most outstanding technological developments of the lost civilization. These will all mean nothing unless they are decoded, understood.

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